Katerina's April message

Well, MSVU – it's April. My last blog.
Exam season has just finished, and summer term starts soon. Our members retain access to SU services year-round, so whether you're taking summer classes or not, I hope you will still come by. For those studying, we have spaces for you to be productive such as The Crow's Nest which is open 24 hours, and academic support including the MSVUSU-Nimbus Tutoring Program. Our Advocacy services are also available year-round. Academic appeals for Winter term and full year courses are due May 19th, 2023, so please use the Academic Appeals Support Program if you need it. Good luck with exams and final assignments, and I wish you all the best if you are convocation!
We have a Special General Meeting on Thursday, April 27 starting at 4:30 pm. The meeting will be conducted virtually only. Stay updated on our social media channels and special bulletins to register.
I will be leaving this role next month. Working to represent students has been an honour, and I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to serve you these last 3.5 years. I am proud that we’ve launched our five-year strategic plan that will guide the direction of this organization. I am excited about all our services – those new and revitalized. We upgraded and renovated the Crowns Nest, and right now we are renovating our food security spaces. It takes a community to make this happen, and I am proud to have served you. You will do wonderful things in the years to come.
That does it for me, but I still will be around this summer as I focus on my thesis. I will continue to be a friendly face in the hallways and will support you from a distance – even if I am not in an office.
Thank you so much,