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A referendum would involve members of MSVU Students' Union voting on a specific proposal or issue that directly affects the student community. This could include decisions related to changes in student fees, amendments to the union's constitution or bylaws, or major policy changes. In essence, it's a way for students to have a direct say in important decisions that impact their university experience and community.

Referendum - General Election 2023

During the Special Student Representative Council Meeting held on March 18, 2024, the Student Council passed a motion to include referendum questions in the General Election. Below you can find the break-down & details of each referendum question. Your participation and engagement in this process are vital, as your voice will shape important decisions for our community.

Referendum Question: Food Security Fee


As we navigate the challenges of food insecurity within our community, it's imperative that we address this pressing issue with diligence and compassion. 


MSVU Students' Union has long been committed to supporting students facing food insecurity through initiatives such as our Food Security Initiatives, the MSVUSU Food Bank, and Captain’s Crow Cafe. Our Food Bank proudly serves over 400 students every month, and Captain Crow Cafe provides free, nutritious meals to students and their loved ones once a week. 


However, in order to expand and sustain these essential services, dedicated funds are urgently needed.


That is why we are exploring the option to add a new fee of $1 per half credit, under certain conditions. With this Food Security Fee, we hope to generate the necessary funds to not only sustain but also expand these vital services, thereby making meaningful strides towards alleviating food insecurity within our community. 

The Question 

Do you support the MSVUSU adding a fee of $1 per half credit under the following conditions: 

  • All fees collected are restricted to food security initiatives serving the MSVU community. 

  • At most, 50% of the Food Security Fee revenue may be used to cover service staffing costs.  

  • MSVU Students’ Union could adjust the fee (by no more than the greater of 5% or the 12-month average consumer price index as published by Statistics Canada) from year to year due to inflation, changes in utilization, or a change in service level desired by the membership.  

  • Any funds that are unused during the fiscal year in which they are collected remain restricted and are carried forward for use in subsequent fiscal years. 

  • The first fee will be processed in Summer 2024. 

Yes  _______________   No _____________ 

What should you do? 

We need your vote. The voting will take place on the same days as the General Election, from April 2 to April 4. 

Referendum Question: Orientation Fee


As we reflect on the past years, Orientation stands out as one of the most highly anticipated events of the school year. MSVU Students' Union has been privileged to host a variety of engaging events, welcoming both new and returning students. From the lively Silent Disco Night to informative fairs, cozy movie nights, and even unforgettable cruise boat trips, each event has provided students with memorable experiences, helping them quickly acclimate to university life. 


Traditionally, the Orientation Fee of $35 has been charged solely to full-time undergraduate students starting at MSVU in September. However, with the expansion of orientation programming to now include both Fall and Winter terms, and with plans to extend orientation to the summer term in the near future, we face the challenge of ensuring the sustainability of these vital initiatives. 


We are exploring the possibility of extending the existing Orientation Fee of $35 per student, under certain conditions. Your decision is invaluable as we endeavor to elevate the Orientation experience for all students at MSVU. 

The Question 

**Asked only of Full Time Undergraduate Students 

Do you support the MSVUSU expanding the existing Orientation Fee of $35 per student under the following conditions: 

  • The orientation fee is only charged to a student once per academic program in their first semester of enrollment at MSVU in that program. Students switching programs at MSVU without convocation from their original program and those returning to MSVU for Honors upgrades after convocation from their original program will not be charged the orientation fee again. 

  • The orientation fee will be used to fund the events, materials, and other programming used during the Fall, Winter and Summer Orientations. Any remaining may be used for general programming.  

  • Full-Time Undergraduate Students would be eligible to participate in orientation events held within at least 12 months of paying the orientation fee.  

  • MSVU Students’ Union could adjust the fee (by no more than the greater of 5% or the 12-month average consumer price index as published by Statistics Canada) from year to year due to inflation or a change in service level desired by the membership.  

  • The change to orientation fees would begin in Summer 2024.  

Yes  _______________   No _____________ 


** Asked only of Part-Time Undergraduate Students 

Do you support the MSVUSU adding an Orientation Fee of $35 per student under the following conditions: 

  • The orientation fee is only charged to a student once per academic program in their first semester of enrollment at MSVU in that program. Students switching programs at MSVU without convocation from their original program and those returning to MSVU for Honors upgrades after convocation from their original program will not be charged the orientation fee again. 

  • The orientation fee will be used to fund the events, materials, and other programming used during the Fall, Winter and Summer Orientations. Any remaining may be used for general programming. 

  • Part-Time Undergraduate Students would be eligible to participate in orientation events held within at least 12 months of paying the orientation fee.  

  • MSVU Students’ Union could adjust the fee (by no more than the greater of 5% or the 12-month average consumer price index as published by Statistics Canada) from year to year due to inflation or a change in service level desired by the membership.  

  • The change to orientation fees would begin in Summer 2024. 

Yes  _______________   No _____________ 


**Asked only of Full-Time Graduate Students 

Do you support the MSVUSU expanding the Orientation Fee of $35 per student under the following conditions: 

  • The orientation fee is only charged to a student once per academic program in their first semester of enrollment at MSVU in that program. Students switching programs at MSVU without convocation from their original program will not be charged the orientation fee again. 

  • The orientation fee will be used to fund the events, materials, and other programming used during the Fall, Winter and Summer Orientations. Any remaining may be used for general programming. 

  • Full-Time Graduate Students would be eligible to participate in orientation events held within at least 12 months of paying the orientation fee.  

  • MSVU Students’ Union could adjust the fee (by no more than the greater of 5% or the 12-month average consumer price index as published by Statistics Canada) from year to year due to inflation or a change in service level desired by the membership.  

  • The change to orientation fees would begin in Summer 2024. 

Yes  _______________   No _____________ 


**Asked Only of Part-Time Graduate Students 

Do you support the MSVUSU expanding the Orientation Fee of $35 per student under the following conditions: 

  • The orientation fee is only charged to a student once per academic program in their first semester of enrollment at MSVU in that program. Students switching programs at MSVU without convocation from their original program will not be charged the orientation fee again.  

  • The orientation fee will be used to fund the events, materials, and other programming used during the Fall, Winter and Summer Orientations. Any remaining may be used for general programming. 

  • Part-Time Graduate Students would be eligible to participate in orientation events held within at least 12 months of paying the orientation fee.  

  • MSVU Students’ Union could adjust the fee (by no more than the greater of 5% or the 12-month average consumer price index as published by Statistics Canada) from year to year due to inflation or a change in service level desired by the membership. 

  • The change to orientation fees would begin in Summer 2024.  

Yes  _______________   No _____________ 

What should you do? 

We need your vote. The voting will take place on the same days as the General Election, from April 2 to April 4. 


Katerina Allan, President



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No Campaign

If you would like to campaign against the referendum question, a "no" campaign, you could contact the Elections Coordinator as soon as possible at

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