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Election season is here!

Voting will take place on Oct. 18th & 19th

Next week you'll get an opportunity to make your voices heard. The MSVU Students' Union will be holding its Fall By-Elections for the 2022 season next Tuesday & Wednesday to fill as many of the vacant seats as possible before heading into a busy stretch of the year.

Voting will be conducted online from 9am on October 18th, and will close at 5pm on the 19th. Results will be announced later that day at 6pm in The Rook. Below is a list of all the candidates running accompanied with their bios. We encourage you all to vote and make your voices heard!

Vice President of Student Life

Nainish Nainvish: My name is Nainvish Nainvish. I am currently pursuing business administration. I am International Representative of the student union as well. I am running for the position of VP student life. I have prior experience in the student union. I was a part of the orientation committee and organized general as well as Interenational orientation 2022. I have been working to organize other events as well in the university during the fall. My main goal as VP student life is to increase the engagement of students in the union. While campaigning for the elections, I realized majority of the students were not even aware of the existence of student union on campus, forget about the elections itself. The strategy I will use to achieve my goal is by being transparent and organizing on-campus social events. There are a lot of changes that need to be made but for that I need your support. It's not just my election, it's our election, it's an election for change. So, make every vote count. You can follow our election campaign on Instagram @vpelectioncampaign. Feel free to mail me anytime at Nainvish.Nainvish@MSVU.CA

Kushagra Singh Bisht: "Hi everyone! My name is Kushagra Singh Bisht and I am a second-year international student. I am genderfluid and my pronouns are he/she/they. My aim is to establish a better connection between the Students' Union and the student body. I want them to realize the student union is for them and the contribution they make to your university experience."

Keerthika Reddy Singalreddy: I am Keerthika and I am in the second year of my Master's in Applied Human Nutrition. I have always been inspired and motivated by the people around me and to provide a voice and support to all the people is a great honour. I am also the Education Chair for Food and Nutrition Society and been the Graduate representative for the Science Atlantic Nutrition and Food Conference 2022. I am looking forward to being the voice and also if elected would be very proud to play an essential role in helping students, discover new paths and contribute to our community."

Vice President of Graduate Affairs

Suhnandany Goswami: My pronouns are she/her, and I am enrolled at MSVU in the Master of Science in Applied Human Nutrition program. I am running for the Vice President Graduate Affairs position to continue to dedicate my energy and time to enhancing Mount's graduate student experience. Grad school is an incredibly unique journey, and I understand and want to support grad students through everything from lonely busy phases when you can hardly make time to see your friends and family to the fantastic feeling after submitting a piece of writing. I will be the voices of all grad students!”

First Year Representative

Koen Schlief: My Name is Koen Schlief and I am a first year Nutrition student from Bedford, Nova Scotia! I am running for First Year Student Representative with a goal to give every first year student the chance to shape their own experiences at The Mount. I love biking, playing music and spending time with my two kittens Cleo and Zeus.

Racialized Representative

Adam Alkhairi: Hi my name is Adam Alkhairi and I am running for racialized representative! I am in my second year and taking doing a bachelor's of business administration. I have wanted to run for student council for a long time now, with my main goal being to make life easier for the international students that go to school here. While I am a domestic student I think that some of the things international students have to go through are crazy.



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