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Feeling grateful

A message from your MSVUSU President, Katerina Allan

September was an eventful month that has left me humbled to live in such a beautiful province. The destruction in the aftermath of hurricane Fiona continues to be a challenge for many in Atlantic Canada. It was encouraging to see how our communities came together in support of one another. My thoughts are with you all; especially those who continue to be impacted. As a Mount community, remember we are stronger together.

It is also important to acknowledge the impact of Fiona on the Indigenous People and remember that our commitment to truth and reconciliation is a year-round effort. There are many resources available in the articles from The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Treaty Day. I encourage you to continue to visit these and other materials as we continue our commitments. There are many ways to educate yourself and begin the reconciliation process – not just today but every day.

As we shift into October, I wanted to acknowledge that we’re one-third of the way through the semester. Way to go! As assignments and midterms come, managing time and personal wellness becomes even more important. There are many services available to support you, including Athletics and Recreation, the Health Office, and Counselling Services. Do whatever works for you! I find walking my dog Freyja helpful. She’s my comfort companion; whenever I need snuggles, she’s there to give them to me. And, she is a Portuguese Water Dog, just like Wendell, who you can visit on campus too!

I also want to wish everyone a good Diwali! Stay tuned for details on the Diwali celebration at the MSVUSU!

To conclude, I just want to express that the Students’ Union is here for you! We offer many services including childcare, tutoring, and free meals. We also operate The Rook, our re-envisioned campus pub & cafe. This space is always wet/dry, meaning you don’t need to be 19 to attend. Our menu has 50/50 mix of non-alcoholic and alcoholic options, so there is something for everyone to enjoy.

-Katerina Allan, MSVUSU President

P.S.: We have Grey’s Anatomy Trivia on Thursday in the Rook starting at 7pm. We are also excited to have our official reopening of The Rook on October 20th, and tickets will be on sale at the Hub in the coming days.

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