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Reflecting on the History of Pride 

Hear from our President, Katerina Allan about Pride Month

"I've been reflecting on how much things have changed since I was a child, and yet, how much more they need to change around the world. I was born in 1992. Same-sex marriage wasn't legalized in Canada until July 20, 2005, then Canada enacted the Civil Marriage Act,1, becoming the 4th country in the world to do so. I was in middle school before the marriage I have today was legal in this Country. I married my wife Amanda in 2017, and often reflect on the privilege I have to be married. I also reflect on the work we need to do here and around the world to protect the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and celebrate the great diversity within it.
I see pride as both a time for celebration and for reflection. As a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, I am constantly learning about others' experiences. I hope this Pride, and this year, we will be able to expand services to our 2SLGBTQIA+ community in a way that is accessible, and intersectional."

- Katerina Allan, MSVUSU President


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